Bowls, Cups , Summer Days and the Tampa Bay Rays

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers won the Super Bowl. The Tampa Bay Lightening won the Stanly Cup. Now the Tampa Bay Rays are in contention for the MLB World Series trophy. The last time a city’s sports teams won three major Championships in a calendar year was in 1969. The city was New York. The Jets, the Knicks and the Mets. It doesn’t hurt that the city has two Baseball teams and two football teams to help with the odds. But with that caveat, it did happen.

Los Angeles sportswriters try to claim their city did it in 2020. With the Lakers (NBA), the Galaxy (Major League Soccer) and the Sparks (WNBA). But this is why one can never take anything that happens in L.A. seriously. The amount of people that watch the Galaxy or the Sparks in person on any particular night. Combined would fit into a high school gym. That’s including the tickets they give away. Those two cannot be considered major American sports.

The Tampa Bay Ray are not only in position make history. But to become immortalized in the pantheon of sports. To be remembered not just for doing something individually as team. Winning the World Series. But to make history by doing what has not been done in 50 years. Be one of a group of teams to represent a city by winning their respective championships. It could happen. It should happen. If indeed it does happen. It would be glorious for the city of Tampa Bay