While perusing the FB pages in search of fans that want to write. I came upon a very unique organization. The BUCCAHOLICS. Now what makes the Buccaholics standout from other Tampa Bay Buccaneers FB pages is they are a National and International NFL football fan organization. They have chapters in the United States, Canada and Mexico. They even have a chapter in the United Kingdom. Now consider they started the organization in 2015. That year the Bucs went 6-10. Yet the Buccaholics didn’t fold.  In 2016 the team went 9-7, yet they continued to grow. In 2017 Tampa bays record was 5-11 and the year after in 2018 it was the same. Yet the Buccaholics flourished. In 2019 Bruce Arians became the head coach and the team went 7-9. The next season they win the Super Bowl. To prosper during those lean yeans is amazing. What makes the Buccaholics grow is their spirit. They rank high in fandom. But they rank even higher in heart. They are a 501(c) non profit corporation. They organize fund raisers. rallies with all proceeds donated to charities. Even the proceeds from any sale of Buccaholic merchandise on their website goes to charities. I was awestruck when I found that out. I mean ‘Who does something like that.?’ The BUCCAHOLICS, that’s who!

I reached out to them and found them to the who they said they were. Giving, kind-hearted and fun to converse with. I encourage you to visit their website whether you are a Buccaneers fan or not. You will be impressed. They are always looking to open more chapters. Whether nationally or Internationally. Check them out at https://www.buccaholics.org and thank me later. We are going to feature the Buccaholics today. Wednesday and Friday. So lets get going. Here’s podcast discussion/interview I had with the Mike (mookie) Tiss. The captain of the Nevada chapter of the Buccaholics.

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