The title implies what the post is about. A time to give thanks to what has sustained you. So I’ll start off by giving thanks to God for the opportunity to be right here right now. Thank you Jesus for the saving of my soul. Thank you Holy Spirit for the ever-continuing cleansing of my sins. Boy, does he have a tough job daily. 

Last week I drove from warm and sunny southwest Florida to cool and cloudy northeast Massachusetts. I did so to visit family and friends for Christmas. I traveled a lot of highways. About 1500 miles worth. They, for the most part, were smooth and well-engineered. Through mountains and valleys. Hills and dales. It took a lot of men in tough weather conditions and a lot of time to do all of that. I am thankful for all of their efforts. They make mine and all of our travel possible. All of us are in debt to all of them. I want to say thank you to Roxanne of Perry, Ga. I met her checking into a motel for the night. She perked me up with her vivacious attitude. She also sold me some of her aromatic homemade soap. Which perked me up the next morning when I showered with it. Thanks to her I was ready to hit the road on time and with purpose. If you want the best smelling and homemade soap made in the state of Georgia and possibly the country. Contact Roxie Soaps at (478)342 2883. I’d like to thank Ed and Diane of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for the conversation at the LongHorn Steakhouse. Ed IS a dead ringer for Jimmy Johnson and just as funny. 

A BIG Thank You to Karma Dawn Longtin. The best Yogini in the country. I was in need of some serious relaxation and strengthening after the cross-country trek. On Friday night I got both from her Candle Light Slow Flow yoga session.

Last but not least I want to shout out a Thank You to the ‘Truckers’ of America. They transport from one end of the country to another and to every hamlet and haven in between. From lip balm to air conditioners. Everything you see on every shelf of every store in every town is there, thanks to them. They make all of that happen and do a darn good job of it. 

Enjoy your Sunday. GO BUCs.